For all the memories we've had, little and big. These memories are something to look back on and smile upon. They are something to remind us that we lived it up. They are things that made us, well us. Share the smiles.

Monday, February 9, 2009


i was just looking at my shelf which has plenty of memories all over it. i saw a pack of salonpas that justin gave me. i got it kuz we went crazy and played an amazing round of 109328029384 people MERCY. i just remembered darryl's face when he was getting owned and i couldn't stop laughing and i was caught up so much in laughing that i didn't stop crushing whoever's hand i was holding. maybe phil?


oh the memories...


  1. lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao dude that was when everyone still went to the IOS.. can we do that again

